Follow this guide if you have a deCONZ network running with a ConBee II or RaspBee II and want to migrate to SkyConnect and ZHA.

Note: this procedure only helps migrate basic network settings to your Home Assistant SkyConnect, customizations like device names will be lost and automations will need to be updated. Most powered devices like lightbulbs will be re-discovered over time (you can speed this up by rebooting the device) but your battery-powered devices may need to be re-joined to the network for the migration to complete. There is currently no migration path to migrate all settings and devices.

Migrate a deCONZ network to SkyConnect using ZHA

Step 1

View the firmware version of the stick
  1. In the deCONZ app, under Settings > Gateway, check the firmware version. It should be version 26720700 or newer.
  2. If the version is not up-to-date, select Update to 26720700.

Step 2

Follow the wizard
  • Select Create backup and let the wizard guide you through the update process.

Step 3

Update complete
  • Once the update is complete, you will see the new firmware version.

Step 4

Stop the deCONZ add-on
  1. In the deCONZ add-on, make sure the Start on boot option is disabled.
  2. Select Stop.

Step 5

Remove the deCONZ integration

Step 6

Add a new ZHA integration
  1. In the top right corner, make sure the checkboxes Show ignored integrations and Show disabled integrations are selected.
  2. Check if the ZHA integration shows up.
  3. If the ZHA integration does not show up, select Add integration, then select ZHA from the list.

Step 7

Configure the new ZHA integration
  • Once the ZHA integration has detected ConBee II, select Configure.

Step 9

Choose the serial port
  • Choose the serial port and select Submit.

Step 10

Choose the network settings for the radio
  • Select Keep radio network settings.

Step 11

  • Wait for the settings to be loaded.

Step 12

Add the Zigbee coordinator to your area
  1. Once deCONZ has been recognized as your Zigbee coordinator, add it to your area.
  2. Select Finish.

Step 13

Wait for the devices rejoin the network
  • Wait for the devices to rejoin the network. Normally, powered devices rejoin within one hour. You may be able to accelerate that process by power-cycling devices. Your battery-powered devices may need to be re-joined to the network manually.
  • Once the devices show up in the integration, select the integration.

Step 14

Open the network settings
  • Under Integration entries, select Configure.

Step 15

Migrate the network settings
  • Under Network Settings, select Migrate radio.

Step 17

Migrate to a new radio
  • Select Migrate to a new radio.

Step 18

Start the automatic backup
  1. Make sure the ConBee firmware is running firmware version 26720700.
  2. When it is up-to-date, select Submit.

Step 19

Unplug your old radio
  1. If you no longer need the old radio stick, you can now remove it.
  2. Before selecting Submit, connect SkyConnect, as described in the following step.

Step 20

Plug the extension cable into SkyConnect
  1. Plug the Home Assistant SkyConnect into the USB extension cable.
  2. Plug the extension cable into your Home Assistant instance.
  3. USB 3.0 ports and USB 3.0 drives can cause interference with 2.4 GHz protocols, including the ones provided by Home Assistant SkyConnect. It is important to use the USB extension cable and to position the Home Assistant SkyConnect away from possible interference sources.
    This video shows the effect of interference.

Step 21

Confirm that SkyConnect is plugged in
  • Now that SkyConnect is plugged in, select Submit.

Step 22

Select the serial port
  • Select the serial port for SkyConnect, then select Submit.

Step 23

Start the backup restore process
  • Select Restore an automatic backup.

Step 24

Select the backup
  • Choose the latest backup and select Submit.

Step 25

Overwrite radio IEEE address
  • Select the Permanently replace the radio IEEE address and select Submit.
  • This means that your old stick and your new stick will have the same IEEE address. This is required for the migration process to complete successfully. From this point on-wards you should not operate the old stick in the same area. If you do not migrate the IEEE address from your old stick, you'll have to repair many of your devices in order to keep them working.

Step 26

  • Overwriting the IEEE address may take a while. Wait.

Step 27

Check the SkyConnect ZHA integration
  1. SkyConnect is now setup in the ZHA integration.
  2. To check whether the migration was successful, select the integration.

Step 28

Check the radio type
  • Under Network Settings, check the Radio type. It should say ezsp.

Step 29

Start renaming ZHA integration
  • To avoid confusion, rename the ZHA integration.

Step 30

Change the name to SkyConnect
  • Change the ZHA integration name to SkyConnect and select OK.

Step 31

Reconfigure automations and dashboards
  • All migrated devices have new entity IDs. This means you will need to manually reconfigure automations and dashboard cards.
  • The names that you manually assigned to your devices won't have been migrated. You will have to rename the devices again.